Ideographic Description Characters (IDC)

Name  Symbol Hex Example
Left To Right U+2FF0  ⿰口犬 = 吠
Above to Below U+2FF1 ⿱覀女 = 要
Left to Middle to Right U+2FF2 ⿲丿丨丨 = 川
Above to Middle and Below U+2FF3 ⿳龸口衣 = 裳
Full Surround U+2FF4 ⿴囗人 = 囚
Surround from Above U+2FF5 ⿵門翕 = 闟
Surround from Below U+2FF6 ⿶凵㐅 = 凶
Surround from Left U+2FF7 ⿷匚久 = 匛
Surround from Upper Left U+2FF8 ⿸广聽 = 廳
Surround from Upper Right U+2FF9 ⿹勹甫 = 匍
Surround from Lower Left U+2FFA ⿺辶首 = 道
Overlaid U+2FFB ⿻心丿 = 
Example where more than one IDC is needed: ⿰糹⿸厂⿱黒土 = 纒
Example where Overlaid is difficult to determine: ⿱⿰⿻丵臼殳金 = 鑿